Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings all around the world
Today was a tough day for my family and I. We were meeting at Stop42 restaurant to say goodbye to a wonderful little girl. And I was extremely sad to have her leave our home to go and live with her family in BC.
I have to say in the midst of my sadness an amazing thing happened. A waitress I'm sorry I didn't get her name. Felt my pain and paid for my breakfast and donuts. I was dumbfounded by her overwhelming gesture and kindness. In my moment of sadness she came forward and gave me the strength and love that I so needed. So to the beautiful waitress at stop42 with the beautiful tattoos you have been spotted. Thank you so much for making this day bearable.❤️
This is for the drunk guy at a restaurant on Walker last night who had the audacity to walk up to our table and make fun of my autistic brother. My brother paces when he's not eating. He was not bothering anyone or in anybody's way. This drunk old man decided to approach our table and in front of my brother point at him, say "what the f***", and mock him. You're lucky my brother was there. If he wasn't we would've kicked your a**! My brother has a mild form of autism and understood everything that you did. So thank you, for alienating my family and disrespecting my brother. You've been spotted. And to be frank, if I ever see you in public again I will humiliate you just like you humiliated my brother.
I want to thank a beautiful young lady named Jamie who works at the Amherstburg Walmart. She found my wallet and turned it in. When I tried to give her money (because she doesn't realize how much time and aggravation she saved me), she refused to take it.
What she doesn't know, is that I didn't realize I had lost my wallet until 30 minutes before I had to leave this morning to go to Sarnia for my son's baseball games. I was frantic and very upset. She also didn't know that when I was about one minute from the baseball diamond, my son, my daughter, and sister in law were in a minor car accident. She also doesn't know I cried all the way home bc I am so grateful for her honesty!
Everything was in tact in my wallet. Every single bill and coin, card and picture.
Thank you JAMIE! You have been spotted.
At around 7:30pm at Wyandotte and Kildare, I was waiting at the bus stop when I noticed a creepy old man waiting alone in his car for a while with his window rolled down. He was waving at me, wanting me to approach him. I immediately took that as a threat and took out my phone and called the first person I could. The predator saw my actions and immediately took off. He was a man in his late 40s or 50s driving a small black car. I was unable to catch his license plate and I am terrible with recognizing car models.
Please be aware of your surroundings bus riders! Just because you're in broad daylight at a busy intersection doesn't stop predators from following you or watching you.
Thank you to the awesome soul who returned my wallet right to my house yesterday. I would love to thank you in person. You are so appreciated. ❤❤❤❤
To the woman at ceasers windsor may 19 who gave us 2 tickets to see Trevor Noah. My husband and I want to thank you again for giving us those awesome tickets. It was very kind and generous of you. It was our last night out before I return to work after my maternity leave. You made it a night we will always remember. :) thanks again!!!!!
The windy sky was appropriate on this special day as we celebrated the raising of our beautiful Canadian flag (http:/ / The flag was raised at Dieppe Gardens as many gathered together cheering and applauding. As O' Canada echoed through the crowd, gunshots were fired as a part of Windsors 125th Birthday celebrations. Everyone was filled with such joy watching the amazing addition to our Windsor skyline.
To the two young males leaving high school in kingsville today: I saw you take initiative to assist the older gentlemen whose car had broken down on Main Street, pushing it to the side street with him. Just wanted to say that seeing you do this reminds me of the goodness and ability that people have to think about others 😊