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Windsor, ON Thursday December 5th, 2013 at 7:42 PM

This is kind of an oldie, but I still gratefully think of it everyday. 8 years ago I was pregnant with my first son and extremely sick everyday. I don't mean just your regular ol' morning sickness. I got it all day and night. I fainted often and barely gained any weight throughout the whole pregnancy. My doctor prescribed me Diclectin. When I went to the Shoppers Pharmacy downtown I was informed that it'd be $90, because I had no coverage. An older American woman handed me a hundred dollar bill without hesitation. I tried to deny it, but she insisted that it'd make her feel better to know that my baby and I feel better. I cried on the spot and I will always remember her generosity in my time of need. & lt;3

Because of you I try my best to donate whatever I can, whenever I can.

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