Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings all around the world



Windsor, ON Wednesday December 18th, 2013 at 8:15 PM

Spotted: All of the Windsorites to whom common courtesy is apparently not so common.

While I thoroughly enjoy all of the good news stories I have been reading on here, there is one thing that irks me throughout the year. Sadly, it seems to be worse during the holiday season when impatience levels are running high. Saying "please", "thank you", and "excuse me" are small words that go a long way when out in public. If I am in your way in an aisle in a store or public area, instead of just standing behind me shooting daggers into my back, say "excuse me" and not only will I realize you are trying to get through, I WILL GLADLY MOVE! Saying "please" and "thank you" when some person does a small courtesy for you also validates the fact that you acknowledge that they went out of their way to be kind or cheerful. These are the little things that cause people to simply pay kindness forward.

Signed: a girl who thinks using your voice gets you further along

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