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Windsor, ON Thursday May 1st, 2014 at 8:32 AM

Jamal Binion - Hugs don't judge

I just want to share the story of Jamal Binion the Michigan man who was bullied and insulted by celebritie shaq and two other celebrities over his selfie that he posted on instagram. I know he is not a Windsor native but I wanted to let everyone know he created a group on Facebook called hugs don't judge because bullying happens everywhere and this group may be helpful to alot of people. This group has been blowing up with people with similar issues from all around the world and what they/ their children go through on a daily basis and how they deal with and manage these things. If you have a huge heart and have a story to share or would like to follow others stories send a request to Jamal to be added to his group. Thanks to Mr Binion for sharing his story and taking a stand towards all bullies.

Signed - Not perfect but learned my lesson.

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