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Windsor, ON Thursday May 1st, 2014 at 12:04 AM

I’m a girl, I may not be thin or have a great smile compared to others but I am who I am. I’m a girl, and I am tired of people thinking they are better than me. I’m a girl, I have a right to do and say what I want. If I want to laugh at a joke I thought was funny, I will. If I want to sing a song even though my voice isn't that great, I will. I will stand tall and do my best to make it seem everything you say about me or do to me doesn't hurt. But, I’m a girl, a girl who still hurts on the inside. I’m a girl, a girl who still cries when I go to bed. I know one day all this will be in the past, but until that day I will try and make it through these days. I will not hurt myself because you say mean offensive things to me, I am smarter than that. I will not hesitate to post a picture of me just because I'm worried that you might comment and laugh at how I look. I will not put that bag of chips away because you stare at me while you eat your salad. I don't make fun of you for doing anything you do, so why judge me? You are no better, if anything you are worse. I don't need to laugh at someone or make someone feel like crap to make myself feel better. Don't Bully Me, because you can’t beat me. I’m a girl, and I am a stronger girl than you. - Anonymous

My friend posted this on her wall and I wanted to share. I love her so much and I want her to know that I think she is amazing. You have been spotted C

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