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Windsor, ON Monday April 28th, 2014 at 9:27 AM

Dog Walkers

On my daily walks in South Windsor, and I'm sure all over the city you have one not so kind neighbour leaving poo bags in fields along fence posts and beside garbage bins. If you are going to take the time to pick it up then take the time to dispose of it properly. You don't think you've been SPOTTED?....think again. The pile of black poo bags by Curry Park've been Spotted. From every window around your neighbourhood there is someone watching you. It is only a matter of time when that pile gets too high someone is going to follow you home..get your address and report it. Sure, first its a warning but, it could be nice fine that your not prepared for the next time. So please be a responsible dog owner. Pick it up and toss it in the garbage.

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