Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings all around the world



Windsor, ON Saturday January 18th, 2014 at 11:32 AM

This morning our gate was accidentally left open and the big guy, Buddy, got out. He was gallivanting around east Windsor for about an hour and half. To my dear friend Christel who I woke up to come and help me with the search,you've been spotted! Thank you for waking up out of a dead sleep to help me find my dear Buddy. To the lady from down the street who put her dog back in the house and went on the hunt for Buddy, you've been spotted - Thank you!. To the lady walking her giant husky in the forested area near Wyandotte and Riverdale, you have been SPOTTED! Your decision to take your dog out on this -8C morning is one I can't thank you enough for. Buddy loves Huskies for some reason, and had you not been walking who knows how much farther he would have run and what could have happened. Thank you for being a great dog owner and walking your pooch! Last but not least, to my little Abby (the little one in the pic, you've been spotted for having a super nose. She is nearly 7 years younger than Buddy and when I put the car away and decided to walk looking for him, she put her nose to the ground and pulled me in the right direction, seemingly right to him. Clearly, I wish I would have done that in the first place... So to all of you, You have been spotted! You're great people with good hearts, I can't thank you enough for your efforts!

To everyone else, give your animals a hug and remember to close the gate. :-)

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