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Windsor, ON Wednesday November 29th, 2017 at 12:09 PM

4 years ago we had hit some really hard times. Lost the house, cars and had to move back in with my husband's parents until we got back on our feet. I was shopping at fresh co during that time one day and when I went to pay but my card was declined. I was a total mess and asked the cashier to hold my order so I can call my husband or the bank. My husband told me that we were in overdraft but he can run to the bank and make a quick deposit in the next 20 min. My husband was in Toronto picking up whatever work he could while we struggled to keep up with kids and living at his parents and trying to save where we can. As embarrassed as I was I waited until I noticed the 2 people behind me when I was in line were gone before I walked up to the cashier and told her I should be able to use my card in about 25 min. She smiled and said no need someone paid for my stuff. $76.19 was my total and that was for necessities like diapers, baby food, and some groceries to help out some for my in-laws house. The 2 people behind me both offered to pay the instant I walked away in tears. They each pitched in $50 and bought a gift card that the cashier was able to use to pay for my groceries leaving me with some extra credit. Well, I don’t think I can explain how horrible I felt because I never got a chance to thank them. Since then things have been good for my family and I and we like to remember the little things that mattered to us when times were rough and be thankful. I have donated 2 $100 prepaid visa cards to Spotted in Windsor to giveaway this month in hopes to show our appreciation. We are also looking for an organization that helps families in need in Windsor. We want to help out how we can to make sure we can at least help a family or 2.

Once again to those 2 angels behind me in line, thank you for showing me how awesome people can be with the amazing good deed you did. I want to urge everyone to do what they can to help those in need within your community throughout the year, but especially during this cold and rough season coming up. Thank you to Spotted in Windsor for helping me give back.

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