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Windsor, ON Wednesday May 31st, 2017 at 9:26 AM


I knew I needed to stop for gas but I have been so busy I got side tracked. I was driving down Oullette towards downtown when my car ran out of gas as I was approaching Tecumseh Rd. I coasted into the turning lane as their is a gas station on the corner. I got out of my car and went to the guy behind me in a black SUV and asked him if he could help me push my car to the gas station. He told me "no he had to pick someone up". So my husband that does not drive and who is elderly heart patient with a hernia waiting on a surgery date, got out of the car and started pushing. I got out (me in a dress and heels) and was trying to help him push. As we got into the middle of the intersection not one person in the 8 lanes of traffic got out of their car to help this old man push the car. Instead people were honking their horns at us. As we came up to the entrance of the gas station it was like we were going uphill and we struggled to get the car into the parking lot. Again we got honked at. Once we got over the hump we pushed the car right up to the gas pump. Even all the people pumping gas didn't try to help him. I'm disgusted that of all the people just watched us struggle and honked at us and my husband clearly does not look like he should have been pushing a car. What has happened to humanity? I am deeply saddened that people in this city can be so rude.

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