Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings all around the world
I was at work today and got a call from my daughter and she was in tears. I quickly asked what was wrong. She told me that when she parked her car at the river and went for a walk with her friend a couple young boys around 17-19 were yelling some rude names at her and her friend. They were making sexual comments saying what they would to them. At one point they stood infront of them and wouldn't let them walk forward and stopped them from turning back the way they came. My daughter and her friend were tough and yelled back at the boys telling them to F-off and to leave them alone. One guy walked around her and knocked the cup out of her hand. Finally 2 older gentlman came running down the hill from riverside street because they noticed my daughter and her friend yelling and trying to walk around these guys. She said one of the gentleman grabbed one of the kids that pushed the drink out of her hand and pushed him to the ground asking how he likes it. The 3 young boys walked away cursing at those men while the men checked on my daughter and her friend. I heard the story and as a mother all I wanted to do is punch those boys in the face that were picking on my daughter and her friend. But to the men who came to the rescue I am most grateful that you didn't just stand around watching or recording this encounter like my daughter said 1 other person was doing. You came down from the main street and stuck up for 2 young ladies and made sure they were ok. So to Jeff and his friend, thank you so very much for being my hero. My daughter was so thankful and I know she thanked you but I never got a chance to thank you. I do really hope you see this!!