Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings all around the world
Thanks to the 3 kind and thoughtful shoppers at Costco who let me go to the front of the line with my bag of milk. Little did they know that this was my third time in line!
I had already put a full day in at work, and then went to Essex to pick up my sister who doesn't drive to bring her back into Windsor for a Costco run. I expected to just sit and relax as I waited for her. After checking my phone my other sister messages me asking me to pick up some things for her too. So I go ahead and get her things, cash out and come back to wait for my other sister. After she cashes out she realized she forgot milk. So I go treaking to the back of the store, get the milk and get in the shortest line. One couple after another say 'oh go ahead you only have one thing'. Was very very thankful for all their kindness and said to them all, "I am putting you all on Spotted in Windsor for this". Will definitely pay it forward when I can! Thanks again.