Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings all around the world



Windsor, ON Monday January 30th, 2017 at 6:48 PM


So, I was really debating whether to post this or not, but driving on my way home couldnt help but think man, I just have to.
Recently I have signed up at the gym to better my health and to get where I want to be. I mean who doesnt want that magazine body? My first week there was amazing, everyone very supportive from staff, personal trainers and to fellow members.
Unlike any other days, I went in today with an open mind and just excited about my journey to come.
As I was excerising and in particular doing squats with 10 pound weights, I heard two ladies saying "Omg, look only 10 pounds" and just ridiciously staring. At that point I wanted to drop the damn weights and say screw this I dont need this. But you know what, to these kind of people, go ahead and laugh, and I will actually laugh with you. Laughing with you to know that ONE day I will get where I want to be.
Sure as hell takes time and persistance, this is my second week at the gym coming in 4 days a week and sure as hell I am sore but im still pushing myself. Shame to those people who point and laugh. Mind you THESE Ladies were not body builder fit looking as well. And nor do I judge, we all come in beautiful shapes and sizes. So to those who are at the gym to point and stare and discourage other members to be there or feel ashamed about how much they can actually lift or push should not even be there. Rather than giving the motivation to the stranger next to us and just simply saying You got it girl or you got it man keep it going! Why be full of hate and ignorance? Common people. How do you know that the person your making fun of wasnt batteling a terryifing sickness and thats all the weight they can push but atleast their doing it to get better! Or a lady who just went through one hell of a divorce and her world is falling apart but trying to find some hope and clearing her mind and bettering herself for the sake of her and her family. Or any person who underwent a traggic accident and slowly needs to build up again.
Or that poor girl that looks herself in the mirror everyday barely able to stare at herself because she doesnt like what she sees.
NEVER JUDGE for you really dont know what the person next to you is dealing with.
Act with kindess and move each other with hope, we will all get where we want to be with just a little love.

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