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Windsor, ON Thursday December 22nd, 2016 at 2:56 PM

A good deed noticed.

I was driving down Wyandotte and cursing myself as the bus slowed in front of me, initially I thought he was stopping to drop someone off but as I slowed I noticed what he had noticed. An older gentleman was out trying to salt the ice on the sidewalk and had fallen. I stopped, put on my 4-ways and rushed to help but the driver and a passenger had done so as well and were able to get him up and safely walk him back to his property - which I would have had a very hard time doing on my own, this man was at least 6'! The road was busy, and I'm certain this bus driver wasn't the first to notice this poor guy but he was the first to stop. Although I don't use Windsor transit, I know the drivers get more negative feedback then positive. Please thank a bus driver today. Give them a candy cane, a hug, a smile.. anything really. Especially the guy driving bus 638 route 2 December 22nd around 2:20 :)

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