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Windsor, ON Tuesday October 4th, 2016 at 6:16 PM

my mistake today

I was driving down County Rd 46 today and was coming up to Manning Rd where I intended to turn right. There was a large cube van in front of me blocking my view of oncoming traffic and as I went into the turning lane I realized too late that there was a bus on the other side with it's flashers on. I was very upset with myself for not being able to stop but was more upset as I was travelling down Manning Rd and saw the woman in the van behind me digging through her purse for her phone and then taking a picture of my licence plate while driving 80. I know what I did was wrong and am the first to admit it. If what you chose to do with the picture was to send it to the police then I will gladly pay the fine for my mistake if they come looking for me. I hope you can say the same if you are charged with distracted driving. There were no houses on the side of the road I was driving on so there was absolutely no chance of anyone being in danger from my mistake. You, however, put yourself and anyone driving towards you in danger by wanting to take a picture so badly. I hope you feel better about catching someone making a mistake but also realize that you made just as big of a mistake if not worse.

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