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Windsor, ON Sunday September 4th, 2016 at 10:01 AM

Lost memories!!

On Friday night, my family went to the Harrow Fair to listen to the band and enjoy the Fair. Shelley had her Nikon camera bag on the back of her wheelchair as usual for such outings, as she loves to document events and family activities. The last time the D3200 Nikon camera was out of the bag being used was when she was taking pictures of our son and I on the Tilt a Whirl ride. When we left that ride, the camera was back in the case on the back of her wheelchair, and we went to the handicapped parking area by the skateboard park, packed up the van, and came back to Windsor. As I unpacked the van, I realized the camera bag was gone. Even though it was after midnight, Shelley was able to reach the Harrow Fair Committee president, who searched the parking lot first thing in the morning and checked with the office. No one had handed it in and no sign of it. We went back out to the Fair yesterday to ask and look ourselves. It has vanished. As upsetting as that is, and as much of a financial loss as that is for Shelley- it is a nice camera and there was an expensive lense and other equipment in the bag, and it isn't something she can easily afford whatsoever, or that I can afford to replace- it is the SD card that holds so many pictures of memories of our now 13 year old son's childhood that is the most devastating loss. Years of pictures. If anyone has any idea about the black Nikon camera bag or found it and the D3200 Nikon camera inside it, or just that precious SD card, please contact us- we are just beside ourselves with having lost this. You can call Shelley at 519-915-2993 or me, Janet, at 226-787-2963. Thank you for your consideration.

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