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Windsor, ON Wednesday May 25th, 2016 at 1:17 PM


Yesterday while heading home on Dominion attempting to get over into the turning lane for the ECROW I was witness to something quite disturbing. There was a younger gentleman, about 30 years old, attempting to enter the expressway going WEST....using the EASTBOUND ramp. I stopped as did another vehicle, and honked at him waving to try and get him to look at the sign. He was waiting for oncoming traffic, which quite possibly saved him from a fatal mistake. He was angry at us for honking at him, so he flipped us off. The gentleman in the other vehicle got out, walked in front of my vehicle, and advised him that the west bound lanes were up further.

He proceeded into the proper lane, ahead of us - without even a backwards glance. He was probably embarrassed for behaving so poorly.

Please people, when someone is honking at you on the road, please before following your first instinct and giving them a rude gesture, maybe take a look around yourself and see if there is a reason someone is trying to get your attention.

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