Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings all around the world
My son goes to L.A.Desmarais grade school and had been watching a birds nest for a couple weeks.It had four eggs in the nest and now it has two.It's all he could talk about the school principal gave him special permission and he even had to wear a safety vest.He watched it before school, all the recesses,after school and on weekends.He was so excited for the birds to hatch and see them. When he came back home tonight he was so upset. I am so proud of the responsibility he has taken on and he stuck to it. But to see his face tonight after he got back home and someone just did that to him it breaks my heart. He now thinks it's his fault on what happened he said he should have been there more often. My husband and I tried to explain to him he can't be there all the time and he did his best.But he still blames himself.So to the person that took that happiness away from him I think karma will sort this one out for you.Thank you soo much for ruining my son's weekend.