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Windsor, ON Friday April 22nd, 2016 at 8:50 PM

To all the wonderful moms

To all the moms suffering in silence the battle of depression and anxiety I want you to know you are not alone and that you matter. It might suck right now and I know the feeling of you wanting to give up, that your kids would be better of without you but trust me I have been there and somedays it takes its toll on me too. BUT keep on fighting even if you just got out of bed today know that is enough and you already did a lot even when you just wanted to curl up and cry. Just like a winter storm it seems like it will last forever but eventually the sun comes out and the storm is over the light is shinning and it will within you too. If today was the only day that you felt in power and in control celebrate it reward yourself. I want to encourage you to reach out to someone, dont be scared to speak to someone a doctor, a councelor someone! (Sorry if wording is not the best but I just wanted to write this for someone needed to hear this today)

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